BPC-157 is a peptide chain consisting of 15 amino acids. It is considered synthetic because this particular sequence does not exist in nature. It is derived from a protective protein found in the stomach.

BPC 157 was first discovered in the gastric juices inside the human stomach that promote the breakdown of food, liquids, and supplements. In particular, one protein was isolated from these stomach acids in its unique 15-amino acid chain.

Available as both an oral and an injection-based supplement, BPC 157 via injection is far more popular and effective.

If you want to build muscle, lose fat, or boost your performance, recovery is essential for results. Over-training decreases your chances for a successful recovery as it increases your risk for injury. Effective recovery has a foundation in proper sleep and diet, but supplements can have a dramatic impact as well. One supplement, in particular, BPC-157, is making waves in the gyms and the medical community as reports of its healing process and recovery benefits spread.

BPC-157 stands for Body Protection Compound, which reflects its healing process benefits that are getting so much attention. The “157” is a nod to the fact that the compound is a peptide chain built of 15 amino acids.

Amino acids are the byproduct of protein breakdown. They are also the building blocks of muscle and ligament tissue. When you drink a protein shake, for example, your body gets to work to break it down into these 20 usable amino acids.

While amino acids are natural, the particular sequence of BPC 157 is not, which is why you’ll often hear it referred to as a synthetic supplement. Don’t let this scare you off though as the benefits of this compound are incredible. 

How To Mix BPC-157

When you get your bottle of BPC-157, it is going to look like this:

See how it’s a powder? You have to “reconstitute” that powder.
This is where the bacteriostatic water (also known as “BAC water”) comes in. 

Here’s what to do with the BPC-157 powder and BAC water:

1,Pop the caps off both the BPC-157 and BAC.

2,Gently alcohol swab the rubber stopper on the BPC-157, then let it dry. Same goes with the BAC vial.

3,Dose out the correct amount of BAC. In the case of a 30ml bottle of BAC, if you fill three insulin syringes full of water, then very slowly and carefully (peptides are extremely fragile) inject each of those syringes into a 5mg bottle of BPC-157, you are going to nearly completely fill the 5mg bottle of BPC-157.

4,Once the 5mg bottle of BPC-157 is full, then based on this very handy Peptide Mixing & Dosing Calculator, each time you inject a 1ml/1cc syringe into it and pull that syringe back to the fifteenth tick mark, you are going to have yourself approximately 250mcg of BPC-157.

Before and after reconstitution, keep your BPC-157 away from UV rays, sunlight and heat. It will remain stable at room temperature for up to ten weeks, but for best storage and results, you should store in your refrigerator, in which case it will stay stable for up to six months. It will stay stable in a freezer for up to two years.

The stuff is super fragile. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of very slow and patient reconstitution. When you spray the BAC into the BPC, aim for the sides of the BPC bottle, and don’t spray directly onto the BPC powder itself. When you draw the BPC up into the syringe for injection or oral use, turn the bottle of BPC upside down very carefully and then draw the liquid up into the syringe very slowly. When you inject it or spray it into your mouth, inject it very slowly. If you keep it in the refrigerator, keep it away from things that might knock it over or jostle it around.

How Much BPC-157 To Take

There is an abundance of research on BPC-157 and it has been shown to be effective systematically when injected once daily at anywhere from 1-10mcg per kg of body weight. In most cases, this comes out to a dose of anywhere from 200mcg up to 800mcg. Some folks report the most success dosing twice per day with 250-350mcg for a total of 500-700mcg per day.

The last word on BPC 157

If there was ever a supplement to hit the market that pulled its own weight (outside of the classics), BPC 157 is it. With nearly 50 years of positive results in clinical trials and no side effects in animal testing, BPC 157 is a recovery and healing-focused supplement that you can count on. The only downside to BPC 157 is that it’s best used via injection, making it a chore for the needle-weary.



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