Peptides Bodybuilding

Peptides Bodybuilding

Peptides have become more and more popular in recent years among bodybuilders and those coveting a great body. Peptides exist naturally in the body and they are also manufactured. You can also get them from the food you eat.

There are many definitions you will find online. The simplest description of a peptide is that it is a specific chain of amino acids (the building blocks of protein) that can be recognized by certain receptors in the body to create a certain effect. The peptides being used in the gym industry are derivatives of HGH (Human Growth Hormones).

They work like the hormones to produce powerful effects similar to those provided by steroids!
There are different types of peptides available on the market. Most of them promise heaven on earth: more muscle, less fat, better moods, slower aging and faster recovery.

Peptides Vs HGH   

We have mentioned HGH a couple of times in this article. So it is understandable if you are wondering why you should not just go for HGH directly instead of getting peptides. That’s why we decided to do this section to explain the difference between the two.

The difference between the two is that HGH is one of the different categories of peptides.
In terms of function, peptides such as Sermorelin have slower progress usually act slower than human growth hormones. But this difference has no bodybuilding effect as both substances are only used for their gradual long-term effects and not for an immediate effect.
The one reason why people prefer peptides supplements to HGH is that the former have fewer side effects than the latter. Besides, peptides are better than human growth hormones in the sense that they are also building blocks for protein in themselves and therefore provide you slightly more muscle growth than HGH.

What foods are high in peptides?

You can get good amounts of peptide from plant sources such as soybeans, rice and corn. You can also get high-quality peptides from eggs, milk and most types of beans.

Why are they used by bodybuilders?
The primary reason why peptides are used in bodybuilding has to do with how they improve growth hormone production. It is no longer a secret how HGH helps to improve lean muscle mass. Your body uses peptides to promote increased secretion of HGH. They, therefore, make it easier for interested persons to achieve bigger muscle mass. Their usage may help enhance strength. It is even said that these small amino acid chains could boost testosterone production.

Among the other reasons why bodybuilders use peptides is its ability to help you recover faster. They assist in making oxygen available to the muscle cells in sufficient amount. They also improve user’s level of endurance. These benefits make them popular among athletes generally. Peptides further help to burn body fat, which is another reason they are considered beneficial in bodybuilding.

Benefits Of Peptides

There are three main reasons why people take peptides – to bulk, to cut and to retain muscles.
Taking the right peptides may also increase muscle cell repair, helping you to recover faster from intense exercise. The peptides themselves are also the building blocks of muscle protein. Hence, more peptides are equal to more muscle.
With regards to cutting, introduction of peptides is known to reduce glucose burning and instead enhance the rate at which fat is burnt. By making your body to prioritize fat as the primary source of energy for regular energy needs, it means your body will be turned into a fat burner every time you do any activity.
So if you walk, eat, talk or workout, your body will first want to burn the fat instead of the carbs helping you to significantly reduce your body fat percentage in the process. Peptides aid bodybuilders during the off-season by increasing nitrogen retention and promoting muscle mass maintenance in the process.

Types of peptides
Growth hormone releasing hormones (GHRH)
Just as the name suggests, GHRH helps to stimulate secretion of growth hormone. The duration of secretion induced will depend on the specific type of peptide that you use. An important thing to note here is that these substances are effective only to a limit. Exceeding the saturation dose, which may vary between individuals, will not improve the amount of HGH that is secreted. Below are a few peptides that fall in the GHRH group.


Body Protective Compound 157 (BPC-157) is a peptide that has been recently studied to produce systemic effects on both the brain and the gut, and repair those systems.
In most studies, BPC 157 exhibits a rapid, beneficial effect (since the first day) on a cellular level.
Coritcosteroids may reduce BPC-157's ability to heal muscles. As it is proangiogenic, it could enhance growth of cancer.

CJC 1295 DAC
This is the opposite of Modified GRF (1-29), in a way. CJC-1295 with DAC mainly differs from the other peptide in terms of how long the effects last. The half-life is estimated at about a week, making it ideal for people who wish to avoid the stress of having to use peptides frequently. The compound serves similar purposes as MOD-GRF (1-29).

HGH Fragment 176-191
As the name indicates, this peptide is a fragment of human growth hormone. It is more specifically a modified form of the amino acids 176-191 in the C-terminal section of the latter substance. Bodybuilders mainly use it enhance fat burning for improved and more noticeable muscle growth. For weight loss, HGH Fragment 176-191 is thought to be considerably more potent than regular growth hormone. It also offers anti-aging benefits as a result of positive effects on IGF-1 levels.

Boasting similar structure as CJC-1295, sermorelin is commonly used for anti-aging purposes. But it is also considered useful for muscle building. It accounts for 29 amino acids of the 44 that make up growth hormone releasing hormones. This peptide is very potent for improving HGH levels, as shown in studies. It was observed that the 1-29 amino acid chain is mainly responsible for the ability of GHRH to stimulate release of growth hormone by the pituitary. However, sermorelin has very short half-life of about 10 minutes or less.

Used for muscle building, weight loss and anti-aging purposes, this is a very powerful peptide for promoting growth hormone release. GHRP-6 also helps in fighting inflammation and boosting recovery. Some professional bodybuilders are believed to use it together with steroids for greater potency. The peptide not only stimulates the pituitary to produce growth hormone, but also suppresses somatostatin which could impede release.

If GHRP-6 is powerful for growth hormone release, this peptide is even stronger, albeit slightly so. GHRP-2 is used for similar purposes as the other compound. But it does not fire up appetite as the other peptide is known to do. This may make it more ideal for people interested in improving lean muscle mass. Furthermore, it does not desensitize when taken in low doses without observing breaks as required for other peptides.

In this one you have a peptide with potential to stimulate GH release without resulting in issues associated with others. Just like GHRP-6, it both stimulates the pituitary and suppresses somatostatin. This is not the most powerful growth hormone releasing peptide. But neither causes your appetite to surge drastically nor your prolactin or cortisol levels to rise. These reasons make them a favorite for some users.

Users get even greater growth hormone release from this peptide than both GHRP-6 and GHRP-2. Much like other GHRP and GHRH peptides, it is believed to be useful for muscle building, fat loss and anti-aging. Hexarelin is stronger than practically all other growth hormone releasing peptides at all dosing levels. But this means it has higher potential to desensitize, regardless of dose or whether breaks are observed.

Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1)
This class of peptides is used to enhance the insulin-like growth of muscles by bodybuilders. These compounds are great for targeting specific muscle groups. Also known as Somatomedic C, IGF-1 has become one of the more popular peptides used for muscle building in the last 10 years or so.

This is the most popular variant of IGF-1 that buyers will find on the market today. IGF-1 LR3 comprises 83 amino acids. That means it adds extra 13 amino acids to the sequence of the standard insulin-like growth factor-1. The polypeptide boasts qualities that make it much more powerful than normal IGF-1. It boasts a longer half life of up to 30 hours, compared to the latter’s 15 hours. In addition to bodybuilding, IGF-1 LR3 helps with fat burning, quicker recovery and slowing aging.

Which type to take?
There is a wide array of peptides available to those who may be interested in them. And new ones are added from time to time. Some of these are more suited to specific purposes – say, muscle mass building, fat burning or performance enhancement.
The variety of peptide offerings on the market are categorized into groups. This is usually based on their mode of action. Following are some of the most popular groups and peptides that fall under them.

How do you use peptides?
These substances come in form of powder that has to be reconstituted with sterilized water and injected. The injections are given either subcutaneously or intramuscularly, but the former option is more common. The advice is to use an insulin syringe for administration purpose. You need to be extra careful when self-injecting peptides. Make sure you do not strike a vital blood vessel.

For more HGH and Peptides,

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